How does AVA, work?

AVA™, your 24/7 AI-powered assistant, connects your phone, website, social media, or existing service reminder system in real-time into your Practice Management system. Let AVA™ optimize your front office by handling appointment scheduling and client calls day and night, while your practice thrives in today's challenging veterinary landscape.

AVA™ is like adding new members to your team. On the very first day AVA™ joins your team, she instantly saves your practice enormous amounts of time. Plus, she helps build your pharmacy revenue and clients love her. It's easy for her to join your practice, AVA™ integrates instantly and seamlessly into your current phone system and practice management software. There is no I.T. involvement and the processes your staff follows stay the same.

What are we hearing from
like yours?

The staff at the front desk plays a critical role in the success of the practice. Each day for long periods of time, employees are required to switch continually between multiple tasks such as attending patient calls, taking down registrations, managing admissions, retrieving tools, medicines, or equipment necessary for administering medical care to pets, creating invoices, printing bills, and so on. Employee turnover and attrition remain high in veterinary medicine, especially when compared with other healthcare professions. The average turnover for veterinarians is twice as high as it is for physicians in medical practice.


How does AVA help your practice ?

While online appointment scheduling is picking up popularity, most pet owners still call their veterinarian to schedule an appointment or refill a prescription. Over 25% appointments booked now include a prescription refill. You do not want to miss out on this practice revenue.

  • AVA increases refills with appointment scheduling on average from 11.2% to 22.5%.
  • AVA generated an average of 20 more Rx Refills per month on 180 AVA appointments.
  • AVA is booking an average of 180 appointments per month on average for practices.
Operational Efficiency

Improves practices operational efficiency.

No wait time

Enhance Client Experience with no wait time.

Prescription Refills

Improve patient compliance with prescription refills.

Pharmacy revenue

Protects pharmacy revenue.

Seamless integration

Phone & Practice Management System Available 24/7, 365 Days a Year

Always Available

Fill Your Schedule with fast and efficient booking options.

AVA Voice

Listen to real sample calls between AVA and pet owners

Your clients will be welcomed by a friendly voice who will schedule their next appointment or refill a prescription quick and easy.

AVA Chat

See AVA Chats between AVA and pet owners

Your clients will be welcomed by AVA Chat who will schedule their next appointment or refill a prescription quickly and easily.  AVA Chat can reside on your website and be sent via text message or any other digital means.

Hear From Practices

I’m the hospital manager at Hatton Veterinary Hospital, part of Western Veterinary Partners. My CSRs and I have had great success with our new AVA platform. We have had a significant decrease in phone calls and wait times. It has allowed us to focus more on our customer service to our clients and patients. Each week I checked in with my CSR to get feedback and I was told that they feel like their stress levels have also decreased and they have had more time to focus on their daily work. I also received amazing feedback from our clients that Ava is convenient for them because it allows our clients to schedule their appointments and request medications that they need for their pets without having to hold for a CSR. I am very pleased and grateful that we have had the opportunity to be included in this and I highly recommend AVA and greatly appreciate VetPawer.

— Tamiko Wilson, Hospital Manager, Hatton Veterinary Hospital

The AVA™ technology allows my staff to focus on the client that is present while still meeting the needs of those calling us. And, AVA™ connects directly to our practice’s phone system and software, so the integration is seamless. Our clients have also shared positive feedback. They appreciate the convenience of not being on hold and being able to make an appointment at any time of the day or night, including weekends.

— Dr. Knapp, Owner, Knapp Veterinary Hospital

We love AVA because it relieves my exhausted staff by reducing the number of calls, they are having to handle. Today AVA booked 3 appointments and all the Clients showed up.

— Dr. Julie Miles, Compassion Care Animal Hospital

About us

About VetPawer

With over 15 years of experience in the Animal Health industry, VetPawer delivers the most cutting-edge technology for veterinarians to communicate and connect with their pet families. Through innovations including smart reminder systems, 2-click scheduling, and predictive online booking, VetPawer is dedicated to driving better service and better results for veterinary practices and their clients.

Contact AVA for demonstration

Our tools, our methods, our experience provide the best return on investment for you and your clients.